Marigolds self-sow in the window box along with Scarlet Runner Beans and Morning Glories
Last summer after painting the porch, I asked Ted if he would make me a window box that didn’t sit on the porch, but instead in front of it. He made these two “scaffolding” to support my “store bought” window box. I love it!
The plan is that Ted will build a window box for the back garden with this support system.
Behind our property is a neighbor’s shed. A few days ago we had warm enough temperatures to start melting the ice on this roof. But, then as the ice was sliding down the temperature became cold enough to refreeze it again.
An ice awning! Yesterday we had temperatures in the 40’s. We still have patches of snow, but I’m sure this awning has finished melting. Ice on the north side of buildings usually stays for most of the winter. The forecast is for the high tomorrow of 9 degrees. That is cold!
Hi Gloria! I hope you are having wonderful Holidays! I enjoyed your previous post, and after reading this one I just say - what great husband you have to make such great boxes for you!
ReplyDeleteDear Gloria, I hope you are continuing to enjoy this Holiday Season! Yes 9 is cold . . . it was that degree here last night! With the wind much colder. Get shot of your snow awning. Sampling Pecan pie while perusing seed catalogs sounds just about perfect for this cold day. Lovely to see your window boxes . . . clever design. Wishing you all the best in the New Year! Carol
ReplyDeleteGloria, that ice roof is something else! I love window boxes even though they take a lot of care in the hot weather. What is hot weather??
Hi Tatyana, Thank you! and yes, I am blessed with a good husband. I tell him if he rests too much he will rust!
ReplyDeleteHi Carol, thank you - It sounds like you also get lost of winter - I imagine you are getting the latest huge eastern snow storm
ReplyDeleteHi Eileen - yes, that ice awning was crazy. I had to go back into the house to get a camera! Our summers are hot - 90s and sometimes it will reach 100. But, we have very low humidity so the heat just feels dry and the evenings always cool. It is nice
ReplyDeleteHi Gloria~~ That is one cool shed even without the ice awning. And I love Ted's invention and your petunias are delightful. Makes me wish for summer again. Brrr... Warm hugs, Grace
ReplyDeleteOh my, at first I thought that ice awning was some sort of frozen fabric, but now I see it's not! What an interesting effect though! I love the moveable support for the window box. Previous owners here bolted window boxes to the house, which led to a lot of water damage on the siding. I like this idea much better. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays, Gloria! I'm enchanted by your old flower box, and the new one is so clever. (Didn't you offer once to send Ted to me on loan to do some garden construction? lol) The ice awning is amazing; I'm so glad you were able to capture it before it melted. Wishing you all the best for the new year. -Jean
ReplyDeleteGloria - that ice awning gives the illusion of defying gravity; what a cool picture! The planter 'scaffolding' is genius -- very architectural and yet homogeneous to the garden around it!
ReplyDeleteI thought of you & your gardens on our recent trip to Colorado. We drive - and as we were cruising through Nebraska, I wondered just how far north you might be! Warmest wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year!! --Shyrlene
Hi Gloria, I am so fascinated by the ice and snow, and in some ways it must be nice to have a no-garden and review time. How clever you were to acquire such a useful Ted. My equivalent is my soulmate but does not possess such practical qualities. Looking to 2011 visiting, happy new year, catmint. PS my husband luckily is not rusty!
ReplyDeleteGloria, I'm curious. Certainly in your beautiful garden you have a heated bird bath? My husband just made his first couple of bird houses but we know we need a heated bird bath or two in this cold Iowa weather. any suggestions? They're so expensive to buy.