I show you the shrug and the very easy how-to at the bottom of this post. But first why the crocheting came about:
In almost 32 years of marriage to my Ted, this is the first winter we didn’t go away to somewhere warm…We thought it would be a good idea to have a “stacation” winter, get things done indoors, take local trips to the hills and get some walking done in our beautiful town. But this winter is dragging on. February with it’s slightly longer days has been colder than average! And snow or ice has covered our yard for most of the winter. Yesterday the temperature reached 30 with wind…but I needed out! So we bundled up and drove downtown to walk close to the downtown stone buildings. It was cold, but by the time we reached the 144 steps we were warm enough to walk them up then down.
Our town has several building made of beautiful stone. – This building is now a museum, but it was the grade school my Ted attended.

We have the most amazing path along the warm (hot springs) Fall River. When it is cold the river steams. The river run through our downtown.

These are the 144 steps that go from downtown along the river up to the beautiful VA Hospital. There are other steps – The 128 steps and the 158 steps. They all go from downtown up to higher areas. We live on one of the hills.
OK – I am so missing my garden…I like to be busy and like learning something new. So I decided to make a shrug to wear this summer over sleeveless dresses. I used three 1.75 ounce skeins of sport weight yarn. I usually like to be on the other side of the camera…but it was either Ted or me wearing the shrug:

This is the shrug. I made it in a light weight yarn, something like a baby yarn. (Winter scarves and hats in the green basket)

side view

Back. Done in double crochet. How to: Crochet a rectangle that is 29 1/2” wide by 22” long.

Here it is folded in half. (11") Seam up 4 1/2” on each side from the sides leaving the rest (7”) as arm holes.

Unfold and turn the top up and the rest is the bottom. After folding and seaming for the armholes crochet a double crochet and some single crochets all around the edges. How fun is this! You can make this any size you want. Just a big rectangle or square if you want a shorter shrug.
Oh, that is so pretty! I wish I had the patience (and skill) to make one. I am desperately missing my garden, too.